According to Quantum Theory, the perception that reality is physical and rigid is an illusion. Everything we experience is nothing more than energy and frequencies in constant motion. The physical reality we see and experience results from an interaction between various energies manifesting as matter. All possibilities and realities exist simultaneously, and just like tuning into a radio station, we magnetize into our lives the frequency we are currently resonating with.
The key insight in this approach is understanding that the key to changing reality is not found through external effort but through an internal shift by changing the frequency we emit. We act like an antenna at every moment, broadcasting and attracting frequencies from the infinite quantum field. Therefore, to create tangible change, we must change our internal frequency to match what we wish to attract into our lives.
How does it work?

Every frequency we experience, whether an emotional state, thoughts, or beliefs, sends a clear signal to the universe, magnetizing corresponding realities toward us. Our reality is not fixed; it changes according to the frequencies we emit. Think of it like radio stations, when we tune into a specific frequency, we receive the station broadcasting on that frequency. The same principle applies in quantum reality, we receive and magnetize the reality that aligns with our frequency.
This law applies to every aspect of life: success in business, relationships, health, financial abundance, everything we desire can be magnetized to us when we shift our frequency to align with the reality we want to create.
How to elevate your frequency?
To raise our frequency and magnetize the reality we want, we must "wrap" ourselves in that reality, just like wearing a raincoat. The coat protects us from the rain, and in this case, we wrap ourselves in the frequency of the desired reality, as though it is already happening.
1. Create a real feeling of the desired reality: We need to imagine ourselves living within that reality. Feel how we behave, what we do, and how we feel when that dream has already come true. This imagination is not just fantasy; it is a powerful tool to broadcast the right frequency.
2. Focus on inner belief: Belief is the force that connects desire to reality. When we believe that the desired reality is possible and accessible to us, our frequency shifts accordingly and begins to attract opportunities, people, and situations that bring us closer to our goals.
3. Consistency in frequency: We must stay in the appropriate frequency over time and not be tempted to fall back into lower frequencies of doubt, fear, or lack. When we consistently maintain a high frequency, we create a strong magnetic field that automatically begins to draw what we want into our lives.
What happens when we emit a low frequency?
When we emit negative frequencies such as fear, doubt, or lack, we attract realities that reinforce those frequencies. Like a magnet, reality responds to what we broadcast and sends back that same energy in the form of events, people, and situations.
The world is full of possibilities and opportunities, but the central question is, what are we magnetizing into our lives? Once we understand that the key lies within—within our frequency—we can begin to take control of our reality and experience the world as a space of unlimited possibilities.
Yuval Rodan