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How to execute a leap forward that leaves the competitors behind…

Albert Einstein famously said, "Reality is nothing but a result of our frequency. Match the frequency of the Reality you want, and you cannot help but get that Reality."

The key to business success lies in your Reality Perception that your business results are determined only by the frequency you transmit, and not by any external factors such as market conditions, competitors, or interest rates.

Quantum success comes from shifting your Reality Perception and detaching from what we perceive as "Physical Reality."

We have been conditioned to believe that the world is rigid and unchangeable, and to sell more, to achieve more, we have to push more, work, and try more ... However, the true shift needed is to change our Reality Perception.

Quantum physics tells us that all Realities exist simultaneously in parallel dimensions, each vibrating at a different frequency.    

As Einstein, Tesla, and others have said that everything is energy in motion. To experience the Reality you desire, you need to align your frequency with that Reality, and it will be attracted to you from the Quantum Dimension.

changing frequency to success

Here is a three-step approach to applying Quantum physics principles and achieving a Quantum leap in your organization's performance:

1. Understanding Quantum Reality: To grasp quantum reality, recognize that your success does not depend on your competition, or your market conditions or your bank interest. your success depends only on the harmonies of frequency that you and your organization emit. Those frequencies act as magnetic forces that attract the reality you experience. high frequency attracts abundance, low frequency attracts poverty. keep high frequency and you will easily achieve your goals.

2. Clear Goal Definition: Clearly define your business goals and visualize them as already achieved. This involves acting, speaking, and feeling as though these goals have been realized. when you reinforce that positive inner frequency your sales will be easily attracted to you, they will be easily increased and you will meet your business goals.

Once all team members and leaders align with that frequency, success naturally follows.

3. Success-Embedded Action: Do all the necessary business actions from the view that you have already achieved your goals, maintain a high frequency do not react to your competitors, respond to them.

"Each challenge you encounter is specifically designed to train you in consistently applying the three-step approach. By following this approach as your roadmap, you and your organization will achieve results beyond your wildest dreams."

Yuval Rodan



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